I haven't had much time to update my blog the last weeks, the good news is that the reason for that is because I have been completely working my ass of.
I'll try to sum up the progress I made since the last post and show a few screenys while I'm at it.
This is it in a nutshell:
* Solved linker errors (Obviously ^^)
* Helper application for creating binding code to Lua
* Continued expanding framework
* Framework almost completely bound to Lua scripting language, (and most of the core functionality of Ogre and PhysX)
* Ability to run scripts and script code from console
* Added simplified game objects(Scenery, Bodies, Models, and more) , all scriptable.
* Added ObjectFactory for straightforward game object creation
* Simple GUI objects (mouse cursor and images)
* Implemented very easy way of performing ray-scans and per-object selections
* Learned how Ogre compositor(post-process shaders) works and got a Bloom shader working (next will be HDR =) )
* Nailed all memory leaks down (there are a few left that comes from third party libs and will be fixed by their founders)
There is probably loads of stuff that I simply forgot to mention now but all that will hopefully be appear in later posts.
Here's how bloom looks like:
The wipeout-styled ship in the screenshots where made by a fellow student of mine (Gunnar Fors)
Many thanks goes to him for lending me his model and textures!
Last week I also made a application that will help me in a new sub project (more info about this project coming up).
Following this article http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20020405/smith_01.htm, the application steps through a scene of any complexity and returns a set of path-finding information that could later be used to navigate a AI character through a game world.
Here are some screen shots:
The green space are the scanned area and the red boxes is optimized axis aligned bounding boxes (called sectors in the article).
At the moment it doesn't actually perform collision test on the scenery (only simple ray-scans), the small box in the middle will be used for that, and it only operates on the xz plane. Luckily these problems are not that trivial to fix(and will be in the future).
I'll have to continue this post with a follow up, otherwise I'll hit the image limit.
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